The Art of Slide Design in Online Courses

I know it’s a little old-school, but I love slides + narration for lessons in online courses. Of course, that’s only if the slides are well-designed and engaging and the narration doesn’t make you want to curl up and take a nap!

Let’s talk about the art of slide design. We’ll tackle narration in an upcoming article.

1. Set the Stage for Success with Visual Vibes!

Imagine your slides as a mini art gallery – each slide should be a masterpiece. Start with a clean, consistent design theme that mirrors your online course’s personality and aligns with your brand. Choose a harmonious color palette, snazzy fonts, and sprinkle a dash of branding flair. Remember, a visually appealing slide deck isn’t just pleasing to the eye – it boosts comprehension and retention too!

2. One Slide, One Idea – Keep it Snazzy and Snappy!

A cluttered slide is like a closet bursting at the seams – it’s overwhelming and confusing. Stick to the golden rule: one slide, one key idea. Don’t expect to explain your entire lesson on one slide!

Also, be sure to throw in a variety of content on different slides. Whether it’s a witty quote, a mind-blowing factoid, or a tantalizing question, let each slide shine with its star power. Your students will thank you for the mental breathing space!

3. Graphics – The Eye Candy of the Slide!

Embrace the power of images, gifs, and even short videos! Graphics can take your content from bland to grand in seconds. Use visuals that complement your narrative – be it a hilarious meme to punctuate a point or a charming infographic to break down complex concepts. Just remember, a llama wearing sunglasses might not be appropriate for quantum physics… or is it? Make sure that when listening to your lesson, all the graphics make sense to your learner and reinforce retention.

4. Animations – Unleash the Joy of Motion!

Animations aren’t just for kids’ cartoons! A well-timed slide transition or an element entering with a flourish can infuse life into your presentation. It’s like giving your slides a secret dance party – engaging, unexpected, and impossible to ignore. But beware of the over-animation trap – less is often more!

5. Stories: The Magical Elixir of Engagement!

Humans are hardwired for stories. We crave narratives like a dog craves belly rubs. Weave stories into your slides to create an emotional connection. Whether it’s a personal anecdote, a real-world case study, or a fictional scenario, stories make abstract concepts relatable and memorable.

6. Less Text, More Impact – The Zen of Minimalism!

Long paragraphs are best kept in books. Embrace the art of concise communication. Use bullet points, short sentences, and tantalizing keywords. Your slides should be a tantalizing trailer, not a dense textbook. Let your narration shine – the slides are there to complement, not compete. This also encourages your learner to listen to the lesson in its entirety instead of skimming through the slides to get the gist of the lesson.

8. Review and Revamp – Your Slide Spa Day!

Don’t forget to give your slides regular makeovers. As your online course evolves, so should your slides. Review, edit, and enhance regularly. Did that GIF still make sense? Is that font style getting a bit stale? A little touch-up goes a long way in keeping your content fresh and engaging.

There you have it, fellow slide virtuosos – your guide to creating slides that sing, dance, and educate! Remember, each slide is a chance to spark aha-moments and inspire your learners. So, let your creativity run wild, and craft a slide-tastic online course that leaves your students asking for an encore!

Want someone to take care of your slides as well as all of the other content in your online course FOR you? Click HERE to talk about how we can take care of the heavy-lifting for you.