What is the Right Kind of Online Course to Create in 2023?

As soon as you decide to start creating an online course and do even just the tiniest amount of research on it, the algorthim gods that be are going to start pouring in with ads from “gurus” telling you that this is the type of course you should be creating. Or this is the way you should run it and sell it. 

Guess what…

The BEST online course to create is one that works for you and your business. PERIOD. 

Not the one that makes Marketing Mary over there more money with her pricey little program that she claims will bring in truck loads of perfect clients for your online course. 

It’s the one that makes YOU money. The one that works for YOUR lifestyle. 

If you want your online course to be fully automated, you can do that. 

If you want to incorporate group coaching, you can do that. 

If you want to enroll people in mass at certain times of the year, you can do that.

If you want to have it open for enrollment 24/7, you can do that.

Each system of online course setup and sales has it’s own pros and cons, and NO ONE can tell you what will work best for your business and lifestyle except YOU. 

Want to talk about the different online course options? Jump on my calendar HERE and we’ll explore what will work best for you!