Online Course: Charging What You’re Worth

Rachel McHardy | The Course Writer | Course Creation Process

Hello everyone! Let’s talk about charging what you are worth.

Do you want to know the #1 thing you can put into your course that will skyrocket its value?

It’s not more lessons.

It’s not more workbook pages.

It’s not more testimonials.

The #1 thing you can add to your course to make it more valuable is to incorporate more access to YOU.

Whether that’s group coaching, 1:1 coaching, access to your team, Live QandAs… whatever the case may be, the more of you that you put into your course or program, the more valuable it becomes.

Why Does Access to You Provide Value?

Because people aren’t paying for information. They are paying for a transformation. And they’ve decided to trust that YOU are the person best suited to providing that transformation for them.

That’s why, when it comes to charging what you are worth, it’s often going to be the things outside of the information that persuade people to invest with you. Remember this- information is replicable. YOU are not. Therefore, the real value in your program or course is you!

Now don’t get me wrong, the information you put in your online course or program is absolutely important and should be the best you are capable of producing but it’s not the only valuable thing in your course.

The next important factor I want to point out is that if you are competing on price, it’s a quick race to the bottom! There is ALWAYS going to be someone that will do it cheaper. There will always be a cheaper program or course on your topic, so stop competing on price and start upping the value!

How to Increase the Value

Here are a few of the things you can add to increase the value of your course or program:

  • Group coaching
  • Live Q&As
  • Office hours
  • 1:1 coaching
  • A strong community where people answer one another’s questions and support one another
  • Special discounts from vendors
  • Done for you services
  • Personal feedback
  • Email support

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