Embrace Abundance: Transforming Your Business Mindset from Competition to Prosperity

I can’t even begin to count the number of ways my life has changed because of the courses I help create. But one that I keep coming back to again and again is the way I am able to apply learning principles to change my mindset.

For example, I used to stress every time I saw someone doing what it is I do in the online course creation world. I immediately went into scarcity mode like a lioness trying to fend of the hyenas closing in on her zebra.

I want to share what I’ve done to release my scarcity and competitive thinking to one of more abundance and collaboration:

1. Acknowledged My Scarcity Mindset: The first step to change is awareness. This meant reflecting on my current business beliefs. It’s not fun to admit you think in terms of scarcity instead of abundance, but progress isn’t made by lying to ourselves.

2. I Practiced Gratitude: Gratitude is the gateway to abundance. I started by listing things I was grateful for in my business –  loyal clients, a dedicated team, or a supportive network. My anthem became “Remember when you could only dream about what you have now!”

3. Shifted from Scarcity to Possibility by Playing a Game: Every day I challenge myself to think of one new niche, network connection, or skill I could explore. Then I make a plan for what I can do about it. I don’t act on every single idea, but it’s rewiring my brain to think in possibilities instead of scarcity.

I’m obsessed with notebooks, so of course I have a business ideas notebook dedicated just to this!

4. I Celebrate Others’ Success: When you genuinely celebrate others’ achievements, you’re reinforcing the idea that success is abundant and attainable. Instead of pretending like I didn’t see it, I now engage with my peers’ accomplishments – it’s not a threat, but a testament to what’s achievable.

5. Visualization: This is another daily practice where I intentionally envision my business in an abundant state. I visualize growth, satisfied clients, and ample opportunities to share my passion for online courses.

6. I Focus on Value Creation: Abundance thrives when value is the focus. Over the past year, I’ve focused more on adding online course marketing help into my business. This has been a huge value-add to my clients. You know what happens when you provide someone with amazing value? Repeat business and referrals!

7. I Stopped Using the Word “Failure” and Started Using “Feedback”: Listen, y’all. I’ve done PLENTY of   things in my business that haven’t worked out the way I envisioned. But when things crash and burn (and they do!), telling myself I “failed” does nothing to drive me toward innovation and possibilities. So, I use the word “feedback”. And let me tell ya… sometimes the feedback is not what I wanted to see!

But when I think in terms of feedback, it puts things into perspective. It’s not that I am a failure. It’s that whatever I tried didn’t give me the feedback I wanted. It’s not personal anymore!

8. I Cultivate a Learning Mindset: Abundance thrives on knowledge and knowledge is an endless resource. Not a day goes by where I’m not taking an online course myself, reading a book, listening to a podcast or in some other way focusing on learning and growth. Having a learning goal keeps me focused on growth and away from worrying about what everyone else is doing.

I’ll be honest. This hasn’t been an overnight change for me. It’s something I will likely have to work on every single day I’m in business. But is it worth it? Absolutely.

Want to create real changes for your learner through your online course? Let’s talk! Click HERE to schedule a time to discuss what we can do to transform lives through your online course!