“This above all: to thine own self be true
And it must follow, as the night the day
Thou canst not then be false to any man/Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!” – William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
With all due respect to William Shakespeare, I’d like to purpose the phrase “To thine own audience be true.”
One of the first questions I ask in my consultations is “Who is your intended audience for this course?” Every now and then I get someone who says something like “Oh, I want this course to be for anyone and everyone!”
I get the intention behind this statement. What my client is really saying is “I want anyone who is willing to pay (or subscribe) to get something out of this course.” It’s a nice idea. But it doesn’t work out that way.
Here’s the problem with trying to teach EVERYONE- you end up watering yourself down and losing your personality, and it’s your that makes your course appealing to your audience.
So instead of trying to create a course that everyone will love, create a course that your audience will love! What will they love? Ask them, notice what posts they tend to comment on, think about the questions you get asked over and over again… in short, pay attention and they’ll let you know!