In a world brimming with books, there are a few that have nestled deep within my heart and mind, becoming lifelong companions on my journey of personal and professional growth. These are the books I’ve dog-eared, highlighted, and read multiple times, each reading offering new insight and inspiration.
Without further ado, here they are:
1. “How to Change” by Katy Milkman:
Katy Milkman’s “How to Change” is like a secret recipe for unlocking the power of change in our lives. Most of my clients come to me wanting to create a course that empower people to transform their everyday behaviors, and I incorporate many of the principles taught in this book into the online course material for my clients.
With the finesse of a behavioral scientist and the heart of a coach, Milkman unpacks the psychology behind change and offers actionable strategies that really work. This book isn’t just a game-changer; it’s a life-changer. When I’m faced with the challenge of helping others embrace change, “How to Change” is my trusty companion, offering guidance and wisdom that never gets old.
2. “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert:
Creativity is fundamental to my business and personal life. (Fun fact: I was a photographer before I was a course creator!) However, there are times when I feel like I have no new ideas, I’m just a hack, what I create is boring, etc. This book reminds me to get out of my own way and create.
Gilbert is a phenomenal story teller and weaves those stories in as she invites us to embrace our creative curiosity, tackle self-doubt head-on, and create fearlessly. Whenever I find myself stuck in the quicksand of self-doubt or in need of a creative boost, “Big Magic” is the book I turn to.
3. “Design for How People Learn” by Julie Dickerson:
CLICK HERE for Book 3
Julie Dirksen’s “Design for How People Learn” is my secret weapon in the quest to craft memorable and effective learning experiences. In a world where knowledge is king, understanding how our brains absorb and retain information is the crown jewel. Dickerson’s book equips educators, designers, and anyone passionate about learning with the tools to create impactful educational journeys.
It delves into the inner workings of our minds, offering practical techniques for designing courses that effortlessly align with our natural learning processes. Dickerson’s insights have not only elevated the quality of the online courses I create but have helped me be a better teacher to my kiddos as well.
I love these books! (If it wasn’t clear already!) Go ahead and grab a copy of one or all of them yourself! Who knows? They might become the books you can’t resist revisiting, just as they have for me. Here’s to a world of endless learning, boundless creativity, and transformative change. Happy reading and exploring!
P.S. Want to apply the principles taught in these books and many, many more to your course?
Let’s talk! HERE