One of the questions I get asked frequently is “Do you think you think people would buy a course on _______?” (Fill in the blank with just about any given topic.)
If you’ve had this question, then pay attention. This information is for you!
First, ask yourself how closely does the topic tie into health, wealth, relationships, and/or happiness?
These are considered evergreen topics because people always want more or better health, wealth, relationships, and/or happiness.
Each of these topics have nearly endless subtopics.
For example, health. That could tie into mental health, nutrition, exercise, specific health conditions, weight loss, muscle building, and so on.
The more you can tie your course into these categories, the easier it will make your marketing efforts.
It’s pretty easy to see how a course on marketing ties into wealth or a course on plant-based nutrition ties into health, but let’s take a topic that’s a little less obvious.
How about homesteading?
Well, it can make you healthier because it involves growing fresh fruits and vegetables and raising animals for meat and dairy giving you lots of nutrient dense food. You do a lot of physical activity around a homestead, and it reduces your exposure to chemicals and pesticides.
It can make you wealthier by reducing your expenses and potentially adding some income if you sell your surplus or products.
The relationship benefits include stronger family bonds due to shared responsibility among family members. Or if increases community engagement if you’re part of a larger community of homesteaders.
Then we have greater happiness through connection with nature, sense of achievement, and a simplified lifestyle.
Sounds pretty good, right? I think it’s pretty easy to see why someone would pay for a course on homesteading.
Second, ask yourself, do other people pay money for similar courses? To answer that question, just jump on Udemy, CreativeLive, Skillshare, Mind Valley, Masterclass or any other course marketplace and search for courses on your same topic and see that yes, people are buying courses on ________.
In fact, you are probably following someone on social media or whatever who is selling a course on the topic you have in mind.
Once you’ve found courses on the same or similar topic as yours, you’ve proven that other people value your topic and are willing to pay for a course on it.
The final question I want you to ask yourself is, Do I value a course on ______? Because if you don’t believe in the value of what you are selling, you are going to have a heck of a time trying to convince others to value it. I don’t care how amazing your marketing plan is.
YOU have to believe in the value of your course and the transformation you provide.
So those are the three things I want you to do:
- Figure out how closely you can tie your course to health, wealth, relationships, and/or happiness.
- Validate it by searching out similar courses.
- Ask yourself if you value your course.
Once you’ve done those three things, let’s talk and get that course done for you in as little as two weeks.
Click HERE to schedule a time to talk.